merampingkan bentuk tubuh agar ideal dan masih banyak lagi fitur-fitur yang ada dalam software ini.
Screen Shot :
Features :
- Add text to image
- Overlay two and more image
- Drag and Drop to open photos in this photo editor
- Copy-Paste image from clipboard
- Batch resizing (Resize multiple image)
- PSD file (PhotoShop Format) Support in editing
- Multi Language support
- Save to computer as .bmp, .png, .jpg and other file format
- And many more features ...
Result :
Link Download Sharebeast :
- Download | PhotoInstrument 5.5 - Preactivated
- Password :
Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
#Tested By Me @ Windows XP Professional SP3
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2 komentar:
SEDOTTT !!!!!!
Biasakan sebelum/sesudah download, selalu tinggal kan komentar Anda. Thank's Sebelumnya :)