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USB Safely Remove - Full Version

USB Safely Remove kembali merilis versi terbarunya yaitu USB Safely Remove USB Safely Remove ini menurut saya wajib anda pasang di komputer atau laptop anda karena akan memudahkan anda dalam memasukkan dan mengeluarkan usb drive misalnya Flashdisk atau Harddisk. USB Safely Remove ini terdapat perbaikan bugs dan beberapa peningkatan

Screen Shot :

New Features : 
  • The Program device scanning mechanism was optimized for speed, Now the program scans for hardware changes more quick while loads the system less.
  • Correct Version info added to all program modules
  • The "Apply" button in the options is enabled only if you changes some settings
  • Bug Fixed : Command line "forcedstop" command didn't work
  • Some small memory leaks were fixed
  • Bug Fixed : The Program could hang on device insertion in some cases
  • Bug Fixed : The "Apply" in the options may not apply changes in some cases
  • Bug Fixed : Autorun doesn't run some DOS commands (e.g.pause, net)
  • Bug Fixed : An error might happen after device settings export.

Link Download Sharebeast :

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
#Tested By Me @ Windows X7 Professional SP3

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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

nyimak gan :)

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