Windows 8 Activator v1.0 Final with Personalization Enabler - Setelah sekian lama memusingkan diri bersama si mbah google, akhirnya ketemu juga aktivator windows 8 yang dapat meng-unlock semua fitur windows 8. Di dalam paket rar aktivator ini terdapat juga Personalization Enabler yang fungsinya adalah untuk meng-enable kan fitur Personalization yang ada pada windows 8. Nah,, bagi teman-teman pecinta dan pengguna windows 8 gratisan, yuk mari langsung di cobain aktivatornya.
Windows 8 Professional Final Activator. This is the latest New Windows 8 100% Working Activator. Try it Now and Activate Your Windows 8 Pro, Enterprise, and Core Final Edition.
This Activator Features:
Fully Unlocked: Personalization,Start screen,,Account Picture
Supported Version
Windows 8 Professional
Windows 8 Enterprise
Windows 8 Core
Windows 8 Personalization Enabler
This program will enable the personalization features in the PC Settings.
You will be able to change the account picture,lock screen and the start screen.
IF Windows 8 is Not Activate You must activate windows 8 first using the activator
Before running the personilazion enabler plz close all your applications since your system will automatically restarted.
Cara Install :
1. Run as administrator
2. Wait for the process and dont do nothing
3. It restarts automatically
4. Windows is "activated"
Download Via Sharebeast | BillionUploads | Zippyshare :
1. Run as administrator
2. Wait for the process and dont do nothing
3. It restarts automatically
4. Windows is "activated"
Download Via Sharebeast | BillionUploads | Zippyshare :
Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
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6 komentar:
bagusan mana sama win8 pro yang satunya gan
Anonim @ maksudnya ?
ini activatornya gan, bukan Windowsnya ...
udah ada yang tes belum?
Bilhakki Oki@ sudah gan, activatornya berjalan dengan mulus.
udah dihapus 3 linknya gan..
ada link yang baru gak ya??
bos file not found
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