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Light Image Resizer Full Keygen

Light Image Resizer Full Keygen adalah sebuah software editing photo yang cukup handal untuk merubah ukuran suatu gambar. Software ini bisa anda gunakan untuk merubah gambar yang dimensinya kecil menjadi besar sesuai keinginan anda, tanpa mesti mengubah kualitas gambarnya. Dalam hal ini gambar yang tadinya kecil ketika diperbesar tidak pecah dan masih seperti kualitas gambar aslinya namun ukuran yang lebih besar, Software ini banyak digunakan untuk mencetak foto.

Screen Shoot:

  • Resize and convert - Resize pictures or convert them into different formats easily. Select your output resolution, create a copy, resize the original, move and/or rename files, or compress them and choose a specific destination for your processed images. Work on individual photos or edit large numbers of images by doing a batch resize in just one click.
  • Extra settings - Add your own watermark to protect your work or add a copyright to photos with html-like text formatting and transparency support. Customize pictures by converting them to sepia or add a border. Use the live preview to see what the final result will look like before actually processing the image. Image Resizer works on files, folders and subfolders, and supports RAW formats. With multi-core support integrated, convert images even faster. Launch the application easily from Windows shell explorer with a right click on the image or folder.
  • Output and export - Photos can be added directly as attachments, individually or in a ZIP file, to email by using the publish function, without exceeding the maximum size permitted by email servers. Create PDF files from your images, like jpg to PDF; do this for individual or multiple images. Edit, create, export, backup new profiles with your favorite settings. The most popular profiles are already pre-defined, such as FULL HD resolution wallpaper images, Ipod, NTSC, 640 x 480. Access to profiles in 1 click with the shell integration.
  • Digital frame - Transfer photos and optimize space on digital frames with the Digital Picture Frame Wizard. Resize pictures to the frame’s supported resolution, and add even more photos for viewing.
Link Download:

#Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

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2 komentar:

alirifan mengatakan...

Thanks Gan.... kalo berkenan mohon diperbanyak .apk pronya. trima kasihhh.

Admin FrankyShare - Franky mengatakan...

Yups, maksudnya .apk itu untuk android atau aplikasi gan?

Biasakan sebelum/sesudah download, selalu tinggal kan komentar Anda. Thank's Sebelumnya :)

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