Screen Shoot:
Registry Healer will:
- Find and correct invalid file/folder registry references in Windows® 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8 both 32- and 64-bit.
- Find and delete empty registry keys.
- Find and correct invalid font entries.
- Find and delete obsolete Start Menu items.
- Find and correct invalid application paths.
- Find and correct invalid registered help files.
- Find and correct invalid shared DLLs references.
- Find and correct invalid autostart registry references.
- Find and delete unused software registry references.
- Find and correct invalid known DLLs registry references.
- Find and correct invalid registered file types.
- Search for all available corrections for invalid entries.
- Open folder where invalid registry entry refers to.
- Open any invalid registry entry in Windows® RegEdit.
- Provide full registry backup before changes are made.
- Backup only modified registry entries to RegEdit files, enabling you to restore any registry change ever made.
- Save the list of found invalid entries into text file.
- Search the Internet for information about any found invalid registry entry.
- Schedule automatic registry scan.
Link Download:
Installer + Crack
- ShareBeast | Registry Healer 5.3.0 Build 400 + Crack - (5,9 MB)
- TusFiles | Registry Healer 5.3.0 Build 400 + Crack - (5,9 MB)
- ShareBeast | Crack Only - (1,7 MB)
- TusFiles | Crack Only - (1,7 MB)
#Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
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