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Microsoft Office 2003 - Full Serial

Selamat Siang FSLoverz, kali ini saya akan share sebuah aplikasi yang sudah jadul, yaitu Microsoft Office 2003 - Full Serial. Tentunya kalian sudah tahu dengan aplikasi yang satu ini. Microsoft Office 2003 - Full Serial merupakan aplikasi office yang fungsinya untuk mengolah angka, kata, maupun membuat presentasi. Kelebihannya adalah Microsoft Office 2003 sangat ringan daripada Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013. Microsoft Office 2003 ini cocok digunakan pada PC/Laptop yang spesifikasi nya rendah.

Screen Shoot:

System Requirements:
  • CPU:
    Office 2003 requires a computer Pentium processor with a clock speed of at least 233 megahertz (MHz). Microsoft recommends a computer with a Pentium III or faster processor.
  • Operating System:
    Windows Server 2003 or a later version, Windows XP or a later version, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) or a later version, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
  • Memory:
    Microsoft recommends that your computer have a minimum of 128 MB of RAM. An additional 8 MB of RAM are required for each Office 2003 program that runs at the same time.
  • Available Hard Disk Space:
    Office 2003 requires 400 MB of available hard-disk space. Hard disk requirements vary, depending on your configuration. Custom installation choices may require more or less hard disk space.
  • Disk Drives:
    Office 2003 requires a CD-ROM drive (or compatible DVD-ROM drive) for installation.
  • Monitor:
    A Super VGA monitor with at least 800x600 resolution and 256 colors is required.
  • Pointing Device:
    A Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device is required. 
Link Download:

#Tested @ Windows XP Professional SP3

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

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