Screen Shoot:
Features of AnyDVD:
- Works automatically in the background.
- Works "on the fly" without the need to store data onto your hard disk.
- Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code.
- Works with all DVD editing tools, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software.
- Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared in your home network and handled with the command prompt, Windows Explorer, et cetera.
- Allows disabling of forced subtitles, forced delays, and other restrictions.
- Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal.
- Allows speed control of your DVD drives.
- Allows to access audio CDs that don't comply with the Red Book standard.
- Can adjust your monitor refresh rate to match your video material.
- Compatible with all Video DVD media.
- Supports NTSC- as well as PAL-DVDs.
- Inhibits addition of analog jamming signals.
- Removes restrictions and region code from DVDs.
- Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
- Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader. No need to install third-party UDF-2.5 driver.
- Prevents automatic launching of unwanted software such as 'PC-friendly'.
Installer + Crack
- Sharebeast | AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Full Crack - (9,9 MB)
- PutLocker | AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Full Crack - (9,9 MB)
- Password:
- Sharebeast | AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD - (637 KB)
- PutLocker | AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD - (637 KB)
- Password:
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- Facebook: Franky Lim Genkster
- Twitter: @FrankyShare
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#Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
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3 komentar:
mantap gan, saya ijin sedot ya :)
langsung sedot sob ... trims ^_^
boleh dicoba niih software, izin sedooot sob....
Biasakan sebelum/sesudah download, selalu tinggal kan komentar Anda. Thank's Sebelumnya :)