Menjual Berbagai macam Fashion Korea dan Crows Zero

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Full Crack

AnyDVD merupakan sebuah software yang bisa anda gunakan untuk membuka sebuah file DVD, Bluray maupun HD DVD tanpa batasan, dengan kata lain anda dapat membuka file DVD yang di proteksi, selain itu software ini akan langsung membuka akses ke isi Movie/DVD setelah sebuah dvd di masukan. AnyDVD juga mampu menonaktifkan fitur film yang tidak diinginkan seperti forced subtitles, forced delays, dan no-skip marks, jadi anda memiliki kendali penuh terhadap DVD tersebut.

Screen Shoot:

Features of AnyDVD:
  • Works automatically in the background.
  • Works "on the fly" without the need to store data onto your hard disk.
  • Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code.
  • Works with all DVD editing tools, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software.
  • Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared in your home network and handled with the command prompt, Windows Explorer, et cetera.
  • Allows disabling of forced subtitles, forced delays, and other restrictions.
  • Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal.
  • Allows speed control of your DVD drives.
  • Allows to access audio CDs that don't comply with the Red Book standard.
  • Can adjust your monitor refresh rate to match your video material.
  • Compatible with all Video DVD media.
  • Supports NTSC- as well as PAL-DVDs.
  • Inhibits addition of analog jamming signals.
  • Removes restrictions and region code from DVDs.
  • Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
  • Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader. No need to install third-party UDF-2.5 driver.
  • Prevents automatic launching of unwanted software such as 'PC-friendly'.
Installer + Crack
Crack Only

Jika ada masalah, hubungi saya di:

#Tested By Me @ Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

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3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

mantap gan, saya ijin sedot ya :)

Dicky mengatakan...

langsung sedot sob ... trims ^_^

Anonim mengatakan...

boleh dicoba niih software, izin sedooot sob....

Biasakan sebelum/sesudah download, selalu tinggal kan komentar Anda. Thank's Sebelumnya :)

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